Yii is a high performance PHP framework and best for developing web applications. Before starting with Yii you have to download Yii framework. Here is the link.
After finish downloading Unpack the Yii release file to a Web-accessible directory. If you are using WAMP server you can unpack file to 'www' directory. If you are using XAMPP server you can unpack into 'htdocs' directory. In order to create web applications you should configure the yii path. Just do the following steps.
- Register the path were your php.exe reside at Window Environment Variables (e.g C:\Wamp2.4\bin\php\php5.4.16;)
- Register the path were your yiic reside at Window Environment Variables (e.g C:\wamp\www\yii\framework; )
(To set Environment Variables Right click MyComputer > Properties > Advanced System settings > Environment Variables > select Path > Edit >)
Now we can create yii application from command prompt using yiic webapp command.
Then type 'yes' and press 'Enter'. This will create a web application called 'testApp' in your web root. You can test your first YII application by accessing the following URL in a Web browser:
This application has 4 pages: the homepage, the about page, the contact page and the login page.See the below screenshot.
This application has 4 pages: the homepage, the about page, the contact page and the login page.See the below screenshot.
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